How to Clean Your New House Before You Move In 

How to Clean Your New House Before You Move In 1

Moving to a new house is thrilling! The fresh start, new opportunities, and the feel of a new home – all of this is exhilarating. However, not many things can spoil your move-in day as much as a home that isn’t clean. Once you finally arrive at your new address, you probably want to relax, deal with the essentials, and maybe start unpacking. Having to scrub and wash everything can spoil your plans and make for a bad start. Instead, it’s much better to clean your new house beforehand. That way, you know everything will be up to your standards when you get there. You can start your new life fresh and stress-free. Here is our guide for making your new home spic and span before you move in! 

Remember that cleaning is a process 

First things first, don’t have the wrong expectations. You might think the new house looks clean, but dirt and debris may lurk in many places. Before you start, you’ll need to inspect the whole house and see what needs to be done. You might even find some things that should be replaced or repaired along the way. 

Also, keep in mind that thorough cleaning takes time and effort. Although it can be inconvenient if you’re moving on short notice, it will be more than worth it. But it’s a demanding process, so it’s a good idea to set enough time for it and enlist help from family and friends. 

Get all the supplies you’ll need 

Preparing all the cleaning supplies is the next step for thoroughly cleaning your new house. At your current home, you already have everything you need at hand. But you don’t want to be in the middle of your cleaning efforts only to have to stop and run to the store to buy more detergent. This is especially true if your new home is in another town you don’t know well. 

So, here is the list of all the tools and cleaning supplies you’ll need to clean your new house: 

  • duster and mop 
  • vacuum cleaner and broom
  • spray bottle 
  • bucket 
  • rubber gloves 
  • sponges and brushes 

If you plan on making your cleaners, you’ll need baking soda and vinegar. 

Also, depending on what you have in your new home, don’t forget floor cleaners (for wood or tiles), oven cleaners, and something for the carpets. 

Start from the top and work your way toward the bottom 

The best piece of advice for cleaning any room (let alone the whole house) is to start from the top – the ceiling and lighting. Then handle the walls – windows, pictures, etc. Lastly, clean everything on the floor level- from furniture and decorations to the floors themselves. 

Of course, you know how decluttering your old home makes packing much more manageable. So, before you even start cleaning your new house, it’s best to declutter and clear the space. By following these tips, you’ll avoid messing up something you’ve already cleaned. Plus, this approach will ensure you don’t miss anything. 

Decide on the priorities 

After that, it’s time to set your cleaning priorities. Naturally, you can’t wait to make your new home feel like home. Making it clean and fresh will enable you to feel at home with ease. But where to start? The bathroom and kitchen are an absolute must. After an exhausting moving day, a nice meal and a relaxing bath will be the first things you want. Then, clean bedrooms will enable you to have a good night’s sleep and start fresh with unpacking the next day. 

A room-by-room guide on how to clean your new house 

Once you have everything ready, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start the actual scrubbing. Here’s our room-by-room guide on how to do it. 

How to Clean Your New House Before You Move In 2

The kitchen 

First, clean the webs and dust from the ceiling and take care of any vents, fans, or lighting fixtures. Wash the walls with a mild soap dish and gently remove any grease or stains with degreasers and sponges. 

Then you can move to the cabinets and clean them inside and outside. Don’t forget about any handles and drawers. Mild dish detergent will be a good choice for the backsplash. After that, it’s time to wipe down the counters. If they’re marble or granite, use the right products. Clean any grout joints with a toothbrush and a mixture of baking soda and water. 

Then, tackle all the appliances, from the stove and the fridge to the oven and toaster. Depending on their state, simply freshening them up may be enough. However, you’ll need degreasers and some extra effort if there are crumbs, spills, or greasy stains. 

Finish off with sweeping and moping the floor. Your kitchen is ready for all the delicious meals you’ll make and have there. 

The bathroom 

The bathroom is another challenging room. Start again with the ceiling, vents, fans, and lighting. Remove the dirt, dust, or cobwebs, then move toward the walls. Use the window cleaner for the windows and mirrors, and ensure you vacuum any coverings, such as blinds, before cleaning them. All-purpose cleaners will help you tackle all the cabinets and hardware. 

Then scrub the sink, and tackle the shower or the bath. Depending on their condition, you may need an all-purpose cleaner or maybe bleach. Ensure you remove mold and mildew first, if there’s any. 

Lastly, disinfect the toilet and mop the floors; your bathroom is ready! 

Other rooms 

Follow the same principles with other rooms such as bedrooms, dining areas, offices, living rooms, etc. They won’t be as challenging as the first, too. Mainly, remove the dust and cobwebs, wipe down the windows, and clean all the furniture inside and outside. Finish off with the floors, and your home will be ready for the moving-in day. 

How to Clean Your New House Before You Move In 3

Should you hire professionals or DIY clean your new house? 

Now, you may prefer to do it yourself. But, as you may see, cleaning a house top-to-bottom is a lot of time-consuming work. And if your new home is in another town or even state, it can be really challenging to travel there to clean it. For any of these reasons, hiring expert cleaners is an excellent choice. They’ll ensure your home is sparkling clean and ready for you to move in. 

Enjoy your sparkling clean home! 

Once everything is clean and fresh, it’s time to sit and relax. There will be time for settling in and decorating. Follow our tips on how to clean your new house and enjoy a fresh start in your home! 

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