Moving Sanity Savers

Moving can be a stressful time whether you are moving down the street or trekking across the country. Enter Moving Sanity Savers: a quick guide to some simple steps you can take to save your sanity during a move. Our goal as always, to facilitate a peaceful move. Now take a deep breath, you’ve got this.

Moving Sanity Saver #1: Declutter

No matter how long you have lived in your current home, you are bound to have accumulated those extra piles of mysterious odds and ends that you “might use one day.” Take our advice from experience, remove the extra clutter BEFORE you move. That pile of clothes for the Goodwill, take it now. The pot with the broken handle, toss it. The old VHS tapes that have been collecting dust for a decade now, take them to your local used book store (McKay’s in Knoxville is awesome) or let them go. You will be glad you did when you get to packing boxes…and unpacking.

Moving Sanity Saver #2: Secure Supplies Early

We’ve been there: the morning of a big move and the boxes have run out. Time to start stuffing clothes into pillow cases and stacking plates between towels in hopes they won’t shatter along the way. Avoid this last minute supply desert by getting your supplies early. This way you’ll know in advance if you’ll need more to get the job done. We offer quality packing supplies, or better yet, remove this step completely and let us do the packing for you!

Moving Sanity Saver #3: Get Organized

Our brains all work differently, so there’s no one answer for how to organize in the most successful way. Our best advice: visualize yourself happily unpacking in your new home – what labels are allowing you to enjoy the unpacking process? Now back to the present moment. How can you set up your future self for success? Some ideas we’ve used: pack by room, pack by item, pack by weight, pack by when you’ll need supplies (i.e. don’t bury the toilet paper…or coffee!).

Moving Sanity Saver #4: Ask for Help

Making prepping for your move fun! Packing parties can be a great way to knock out the bulk of the work in one afternoon with ease and good conversation with your most trusted friends. Don’t forget to order pizza and provide appropriate hydration for your packing guests!

Moving Sanity Saver #5: Hire Professional Movers

Our final tip for today: hire professional movers! If you have never experienced the magic of your pile of boxes and furniture disappearing from one home and reappearing in the next, you are in for a treat. The time and effort professional movers will save you is worth the investment ten fold. Set up a personalized plan with Mitchell Moving today: request an email quote or call now. We can’t wait to wow you with a peaceful move.

Do you have more Moving Sanity Savers from your moving experience? Contact us and add them to our list!

Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash